Issues discussed:
The chaos waged across the world cannot be sufficiently explained by national political agendas.
Search for an explanation hints to an existence of a 'group-above-groups’, with a dark agenda.
If such a group exists, they could be described as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
The idea for this third installment in my Apocalypse scenario series arose, when I learned that Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF, have extended their operations to the whole of Gaza, with the likely aim of re-occupying Gaza. This announcement pushes us deeply into uncharted waters, with the response of the Arab countries currently unknown.
What I will present now, is a highly speculative entry on an ‘Apocalyptic path’ the global elite could be pushing the world into. Like I wrote in my first entry to the Apocalypse scenario series, “History shows that sometimes truly horrible scenarios manifest, and thus they need to be mapped“.
In the second entry in this series, I explained what I had learned about national elites and their history. I went through the secretive Bilderberg group and its effect on my former friend and current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Elina Valtonen. What I did not disclose then, were my preliminary thoughts on a “group behind groups”, but now I will.
The Israeli-Palestine war was a kind of a tipping point for me. Like I detailed earlier, I have knowledge on the capabilities of Mossad and that nothing, nothing, major happens in and around Israel without Mossad knowing about it. The idea that Mossad and/or Shin Bet either did not receive information that Hamas was preparing such attacks or that they failed to keep the threat “contained” are ludicrous to me. Israel has the most pervasive intelligence agency in the world. So, to me, the only plausible options are that the attacks were either allowed to happen or, in the worst case, the agencies aided Hamas to conduct its atrocities to gain justification for the re-occupation of Gaza.
It is well known that factions in the Israeli government have wanted to regain the ‘Biblical borders’ of Israel. However, war in the Middle East, which the conflict has a high risk of triggering, would have both the ability to (utterly) derail the global economy and set the world ablaze. Such aims make absolutely no sense, unless creating total chaos is the aim. Who could possibly want that?
During the past three years I’ve been more and more drawn to the direction that there is some global force pushing these highly detrimental global developments in motion. It just does not make any sense that all of a sudden the majority of our leaders, especially in the West, would have turned “stupid” or completely against their constituencies. It seems ever more plausible that the Coronavirus was the trigger to a larger movement, possibly even to a plan that had been carefully constructed in the background for a very long time. In my thinking, this is the only plausible explanation for all the current craziness in the world, and in this entry I will explain my logic behind it. Essentially, the old principle of Divide et Impera (Divide and Conquer) seems to be applied globally, but who could yield such a force and why?
The group above groups
Former U.S. President, Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921), has stated that:
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
This quote has been associated with Freemasons, but they were a rather well-known group already back then, which does not correspond to the vagueness of “power somewhere”. During the summer, a researcher of conspiracies asked me that “Do I think the secret society Spectre, in James Bond movies, is completely a product of fiction?”. That question threw me off-balance, somewhat, as its implications were so dire. I quickly went through the origin of Bond movies (e.g., that their father, Ian Fleming, was a former British Naval Intelligence officer and a journalist) in my head, and then mumbled, “probably not.” The conversation ended with a polite suggestion to look deeper into it.
First, I did not. The idea seemed way too far-fetched. Some months later, I was asked to comment on a book going through the structures of the global elite. At the beginning of one chapter, was the quote from President Wilson. Then it hit home. It was in the realms of possibility that “Spectre”, or a ‘group-over-groups’, could actually exist.
To find answers, I started to apply the principle of Occam’s razor, which states that when you seek a solution to any problem, you should only include the least amount of assumptions. This is because each assumption increases the likelihood of an error by introducing a new set of uncertainties. While, for example complexity theory is likely to be better suited for analyzing complex (chaotic) systems, like evolution, political decision making is rather straight-forward, because some force always drives it. What I mean by this is that, if there’s not a strong enough force to push through legislation, it will not go through, because there are so many competing fractions in parliament. This is why Occam’s razor is properly suited for analyzing political decision making.
So, behind every political decision is a force, which pushes it through. In the ideal situation, it’s the will of the people. A majority of the populace in a country want something, a majority of politicians want to get re-elected (and not to upset their supporters) and so they push the legislation through, more or less representing the will of the people. This is the ideal.
However, during the past three years, political leaders have made decisions that have been very detrimental to and/or objected to by the general populace on a global scale. These include multiple Corona lockdowns, money printing (leading to the inflation shock), two wars, sanctions hurting economies, the woke-agenda, and the de-farming agenda (see, e.g., this and this). Their combination makes no sense in a national-political sense, because they create havoc. It’s also difficult to trace all of them to the motives of any of the major hidden lobbyist groups, like the military-industrial complex on which U.S. President Dwight D. Roosevelt warned already in 1962. This is why the question we need to ask is, who/what is the force driving them and why?
The dark agenda?
What follows now is probably the most speculative lines I have written in my life. Yet, I would not be writing this unless I considered that there’s a likelihood, clearly above zero, that what these lines describe could be the reality.
If one applies Occam’s razor to everything described above, it yields one clear answer. There must be a very powerful group above parliaments, national elites and supranational organizations, like the World Economic Forum and the Bilberberg Group, pushing its own agenda of Divide et Impera. Moreover, the agenda must be exceptionally brutal, as it seems to attack all levels of human existence (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). The existence of such a group would fit in with what President Wilson described in the early 20th century.
Based on this logic, the aim of such a group-over-groups is likely to be to subjugate the whole of human existence under some kind of global control. They seem to want people mentally disturbed, weak, undernourished and fearful. This makes sense, because such people are easy to control and push in different directions, like hating the un-vaxed, Russians or Palestinians.
I know this is extremely speculative, but when you look at all this from a high enough perspective, it starts to make sense. At least, it does to me. The only thing stopping seeing it, imho, is the fear assuming something like this brings to surface, but that’s rather normal. We just need to not allow it to effect our conclusions.
What kind of individuals would such a group-over-groups consist of? This is something I have not given much thought to, yet. We can assume that they need to be financially wealthy, but also extremely committed and they need to possess certain personal qualities, which allows them to operate without conscience. I am also rather certain that most of them are not in the public eye. I will not speculate on this any further now.
The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
If such a group-over-groups with a dark agenda exists, we could describe them as modern Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This is, because they would most likely try to bring ‘Biblical plight’ upon us. While not specifically named in the Book of Revelations, researchers of the Bible tend to identify the four horsemen as the Antichrist (first rider), War, Famine and Death.
If we look at what has been happening around the world, there’s been a very strong push against Christian values, like efforts to normalize different sexual perversions, marriage among the same sex and sexual mutilation of children in the “transgender revolution”. This is not to take a stand on these matters (except on the mutilation of children, which is utterly disgusting), but to point out that they are anti-Christian.
War has been clearly pushed, at least since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian war (and probably earlier). As a peculiar marker, the current war between Israel and Hamas (Palestine) started just 50 years and one day after the start of the Yom Kippur War.
If the war in the Middle East engulfs the region, it could easily devastate the world economy. Collapse of modern economies tend to lead to poverty and famine, as people lose access to sufficient income. Moreover, food production is under growing strains in many parts of the world. War in the Middle East has the potential to disrupt global supply chains in a way we have not seen for a very long time. The combination of economic collapse, anti-farming policies and wars disrupting supply chains could lead to famine in many countries.
Famine, in combination with wars, naturally would lead to Death, but we can also speculate further. A growing body of evidence points to the lab in Wuhan as the origin for the Coronavirus. The aim of the group-over-groups could also be to unleash a much deadlier virus, that is, to create an actual modern plague. The aim could also be to start WWIII, which would bring utter devastation, as it would most likely, eventually be fought with nuclear weapons.
What would be the aim of such Biblical plights? To crush the will of the people, because if that happens, people turn into easily controllable ‘robots’ or ‘zombies’. This is the way to ultimate control. I am having trouble imaging to what other purpose all this craziness could be aimed at? Every single element from the “climate emergency” to central bank digital currencies lead in the same direction; removing our freedoms and pushing us back into slavery. People will not yield into this, unless their will has been crushed.
I do dearly hope that I am wrong on this. However, what you should be asking yourself is, what if I am not and how likely it is that such a group-over-groups could exist? Don’t fear the answers.
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It seems to me that this "group above groups" is aliens, i.e., entities from some other dimension. Try reading what Rod Dreher has to say on this subject:
To go a step farther, as Rod Dreher does as well, this isn't "little green men" as you might think, but rather demons presenting themselves as aliens. In other words, demons have seduced and/or deceived the global elites of this world into pushing things in the direction the demons want. They are the real force pushing things. And from what I can tell, the global elites are all too happy to worship such entities.
Their goal then is not just chaos, which can bring control and enslavement of Earth's population, but outright worship of the false Christ. Clearly, AI and the CBDC will play key roles in all this. You truly won't be able to buy or sell without accepting their control.
One key to recognizing this is demons rather than people is how much they lie. Satan is the father of lies. He can't help but lie, and so you can detect his odor in the lies that are given for no discernable reason. How many of those have we heard during Corona?
One day, the global elites will present the aliens to us and promise us peace, health, technology, prosperity, etc. Don't believe it. It won't last long.
Fascinating to contemplate the possibility that the people now directing Biden are themselves being directed.